The latest from Dexters



Edition #8: Lift & Shift. The Right Equipment for the Job

Heavy, too large, awkward to grasp or carry. Stretching up, bending down or twisting to work or lift, increases the risk of injury. That’s when...


Edition #7: Dangerous Goods – Explosive, Corrosive, Flammable and Poisonous. Manage Them Safely by Addressing These 3 Aspects

Beirut, August 4th 2020. Chemicals seized from a ship in 2014 because of their known danger and left to rot in a port warehouse. The inevitable...

NZ Post1

Edition #6: Traffic Management And Pedestrian Segregration

Mobile plant and pedestrians don’t (or shouldn’t) mix. A NZ company was sentenced in March for a fatality because ‘there should have been an enforced...

Young sick african warehouse worker blowing nose while working wearing safety vest

Edition #5: 3 Cost-Effective Ways To Keep Your Workplace Warm In A New Zealand Winter

According to WorkSafe New Zealand, thermal comfort describes whether a person feels too hot, too cold, or just right. It’s often a challenge to keep...

Online shopping, internet purchases and e-commerce concept, mode

Edition #4: 2 Types Of Online Shopping + 18 Tips To Get Started Quickly

With the COVID-19 pandemic closing NZ storefronts, it’s a race to convert from brick-and-mortar selling to online sales. Could E-tail be the healthy...

Staff in reflective vests walking from camera in a warehouse

Edition #3: 16 Workplace Hazards And 3 Steps To Safety

With 75 workplace fatalities in NZ for 2019, it’s time to identify workplace hazards and minimise their risks. While the definition of hazard is ’a...


EDITION #2: Which Came First The Pallet Or The Forklift?

We often take for granted that we live in a complex world made possible through world-class logistics. Pallets, boxes, and forklifts make it all...


Edition #1: Summer- 4 Factors To Check For A Cooler Warehouse

How do I keep my warehouse cool?   Factor 1: Temperature The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) recommends a summer temperature...
