

Edition #7: Dangerous Goods – Explosive, Corrosive, Flammable and Poisonous. Manage Them Safely by Addressing These 3 Aspects

Beirut, August 4th 2020. Chemicals seized from a ship in 2014 because of their known danger and left to rot in a port warehouse. The inevitable...

NZ Post1

Edition #6: Traffic Management And Pedestrian Segregration

Mobile plant and pedestrians don’t (or shouldn’t) mix. A NZ company was sentenced in March for a fatality because ‘there should have been an enforced...

Young sick african warehouse worker blowing nose while working wearing safety vest

Edition #5: 3 Cost-Effective Ways To Keep Your Workplace Warm In A New Zealand Winter

According to WorkSafe New Zealand, thermal comfort describes whether a person feels too hot, too cold, or just right. It’s often a challenge to keep...

Online shopping, internet purchases and e-commerce concept, mode

Edition #4: 2 Types Of Online Shopping + 18 Tips To Get Started Quickly

With the COVID-19 pandemic closing NZ storefronts, it’s a race to convert from brick-and-mortar selling to online sales. Could E-tail be the healthy...

Staff in reflective vests walking from camera in a warehouse

Edition #3: 16 Workplace Hazards And 3 Steps To Safety

With 75 workplace fatalities in NZ for 2019, it’s time to identify workplace hazards and minimise their risks. While the definition of hazard is ’a...


EDITION #2: Which Came First The Pallet Or The Forklift?

We often take for granted that we live in a complex world made possible through world-class logistics. Pallets, boxes, and forklifts make it all...


Edition #1: Summer- 4 Factors To Check For A Cooler Warehouse

How do I keep my warehouse cool?   Factor 1: Temperature The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) recommends a summer temperature...
